From the third quarter 2010, all business entities in SA will be expected to adhere to the 2008 Companies Act legislation on a “comply or explain” basis. This is additional to any industry specific legislation such as that required by the Financial Services Board for licensed Financial Service Providers. Internal risk management processes and procedures form a significant part of these requirements and are now included as they are recognised as an international best practice business standard.
It is going to be difficult for regulators to police compliance for smaller entities, however we believe that business partners, such as banks, insurers, external directors and shareholders are likely to start asking for the same information. Audit opinions will also be affected by the presence or absence of these business controls for a going concern.
The Mini Risk Health Check (MRHC) tool is a distillation of our main Risk Health Check (RHC) enterprise wide system and is designed for quick risk analysis of larger operations or permanent control of smaller business risks and opportunities. Both systems have proven track records in all sectors of SA business and are being marketed overseas.
The key features and benefits of the systems are:
- No risk management experience is required to use the systems.
- Identifies enterprise wide risks and opportunities before they happen.
- Reports generated immediately. The first risk ‘return’ takes between 15 and 30 minutes to complete, depending on information availability.
- Input and output includes your assessment and rating of risks.
- Systems give a standardised independent view of risk and opportunities.
- Risk and Accumulation Profiles and a Solutions List are created.
- Outputs are further analysed into risk management or functional categories.
- Report displays are graphic and numeric.
- All reports are colour coded to indicate risk importance and priority.
- Reports can be printed in pdf format, a fixed format acceptable for audits.
- Systems facilitate risk management support and skills transference.
- Legislation compliant always – systems are continuously updated.
- All logins and passwords are depersonalised and all data is anonymous, precluding the possibility of identity theft or fraud.
- Security log off occurs after 20 minutes of inactivity.
- Systems are available all day, every day, via any internet access point.
- Business risk information is securely stored offsite.
- Responsibility of directors and concerns of stakeholders are addressed.
- Historical risk audit trail is compiled and readily accessible.
- All risk inputs should be independently verified.
- Anonymous international benchmarks can be provided.
- Additional system applications include client and supplier risk assessment. Who’s most likely to be in business in five years time or, who are the better commercial risks or suppliers?
- A range of other support services are available such as outline Business Continuity Plan (BCP) drafts and risk analysis schedules and consultations.
- System licence costs are low, reasonable and will remain competitive.
For further information or access to a personalised or guest login please contact me or visit our websites.
Paul Brightman - ART (Pty) Ltd. Creators of Risk Therapy.
ART is an authorised Financial Services Provider - FSP16339. or
+27 (0) 83 708 3634 & +27 (0) 11 646 2777.